Sima Nahos by Sumit Khadka
Sima Nahos is a new aadhunik song by Sumit Khadka. The music video features Dripti Tamang and Binod Shrestha. Sima Nahos music video is directed by Heman Yonjan. The music video was edited by Heman Yonjan and cinematographed by Suman Yonjan and Team.
The lyrics for the song was written by Yagyaraj Koirala and music was composed by Sumit Khadka. Artists Dripti Tamang and Binod Shrestha have given their best performance for this music video. Sima Nahos is an aadhunik song which tries to represent the romantic love story between Dripti Tamang and Binod Shrestha. The music video was post production by Koshi Vision Films. When you once listen this song, I am sure you will enjoy it.
The music video is released officially online by SongsNepal via Youtube. Hope that you will enjoy this melodious aadhunik song Sima Nahos.
Here is the lyrics for Sima Nahos:
Sima Nahos timro ra mero
Sima Nahos timro ra mero
Timi kae najik au
Ma bhulna saku timi ma
Hasera timi satha dau
Ma bhulna saku timi ma
Hasera timi satha dau
Sima Nahos timro ra mero…..Timro rup ko amrit paska
Maskera piyara bhari
Aba laj ko ghumto khola
Fakrera nayan bhariTimro rup ko amrit paska
Maskera piyara bhari
Aba laj ko ghumto khola
Fakrera nayan bhari
Baisalu aadhar bhari prem ko
Baisalu aadhar bhari prem ko
Sabda batulera au
Ma bhulna saku timi ma
Hasera timi satha dau
Ma bhulna saku timi ma
Hasera timi satha dau
Sima Nahos timro ra mero……Nanjuli bhari amrit boki
Sangai bachana pauna gari
Mannai mann ko perati gasi
Pareli basdine gari
Aba laj ko ghumto khola
Fakrera nayan bhari
Timro rup ko amrit paska
Maskera piyara bhari
Ma bhulna saku timi ma
Hasera timi satha dau
Sima Nahos timro ra mero………..
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