Jindagile Hamro Bato by Surya Shrestha
Jindagile Hamro Bato is a New Aadhunik Nepali Melodious Sentimental pop song by Surya Shrestha. Jindagile Hamro Bato is a Nepali song by Surya Shrestha which is directed by Surya Shrestha himself. Jindagile Hamro Bato music video was Cinematographed by Rameshwor Jirel and music video was edited by Amrit Chapagain.
The music video of this song was arranged by K.B. Bhandari and lyrics of this song was written by Surya Shrestha. Jindagile Hamro Bato is a breakup song which shows that once the hand was detached there is no hope of being attached. Jindagile Hamro Bato music video was presented by Suprim Films. When you once listen this song, I am sure you will keep repeating it.
The music video is released officially online by SongsNepal via Youtube. Hope that you will enjoy this Melodious pop Song Jindagile Hamro Bato.
Here is the lyrics for the song:
Jindagile hamro bato
Antai tira modi diyo
Dueta mutu ekai hudai
Kasle adha chiri lagyo
Jindagile hamro bato
Antai tira modi diyo…Piratile hami mathi
Kasto khela khelyo
Piratile hami mathi
Kasto khela khelyo
Kasto khela khelyo
Afno saga bolna pani
Samaja ko lagcha
Paraelai angalera
Afno vani hidnu paryo
Phool sari chokho maya
Bhamara le chuni lagyo…Bacha kasam bhulya chaina
Hamro maya amar parne
Bacha kasam bhulya chaina
Hamro maya amar parne
Hamro maya amar parne
Timro navai jiaunu vanda
Aatma hatya garchu vanna
Hamro maya ek arka le
Kaile pani bhulne chaina
Jindagile hamro bato
Antai tira modi diyo
Dueta mutu ekai hudai
Kasle adha chiri lagyo
Jindagile hamro bato
Antai tira modi diyo…….