Director Sudip Bhupal’s Mala premiered
The premiere show of the movie Mala, which will go on public display from upcoming Friday, was held at Q’s Cinema situated in Durbar marga on the eve of Wednesday. Many guests from film and music industry attended the show. Mala was directed by Sudip Bhupal Singh and it comprise of cast members such as Priyanka karki, Aryan Sigdel, Prajwal Giri, Sumina Ghimire, Luniva Tuladhar etc.
Atheist medical doctor notices strange events happening around him but he refuses to believe them for real and doesn’t think much of them as unusual. He connects every incident with logical reason but still occurrence of strange and unearthly events doesn’t stops. After that doctor sets on the mission to find out the secret and in the process discloses such truths that will leave not only doctor but the audiences also surprised.
Movie was produced by Sisir Rana and shot by Pramod Karki. Script was penned by the director himself. The movie will be released in more than 50 halls around the country.