Get Well Soon Wishes, Messages and Quotes
Get Well Soon messages are often sent to our friends and family members when they are not well. So if you are searching for the best collection of get well soon messages then your search ends here. We have one of the best collection of get well soon messages and quotes collection here on our site. It is really sad moment when someone get’s ill lying on bed taking rest. If you think you can’t do anything for them, don’t worry you can do something for them like, you should show sympathy with your own words by sending get well soon messages. You are not able to make your own words so don’t be sad. We submit your own words in our messages so get best collection of get well soon text sms and send it to your dear one. We hope your message will make him/her feel better and give confidence to get well soon. Such get well soon always give courage and confidence to ill person so, send this message and be caring person of your friends, family, and loved one.
EvryThing is boring
Without U
Nothing is SAME as BEFORE
We all miss U
All hearts are praying FOR ur
Good health
Hope U will
“Get well Soon”
and join us back.
I hope u r feelin better
I dont like u being ill
U dont worry so stay chill
Get wel soon is my will.
I’m praying 4 u 2 b fit n fine so dat u remain mine.
Luve u…
Get well soon…
This messages, has health-giving powers
And I’ve made it, just for you
I certainly feel much better
And I hope that you do too..
Get Well Soon…
I hope you are feeling better,
I miss you every day.
I’m always thinking of you,
So This is what I say,
Get Well Soon!
Hope you’ll soon be feeling fine
The way you were before
Because things just won’t be the same
Until you’re well once more..

Why u ch0ose this particular time to get sick,
Seems to us an insensitive choice.
So don’t be so selfish; don’t be a sloth;
Come back so we all can rejoice!
We Miss You!and pray for you to get well soon
As rain covers the sun.
Truth covers the lies.
Angels cover the evil.
Flowers cover the garden.
I wish and pray
that happiness covers all the
worries of your life.
Get well soon…
I miss your lame jokes and a smiling face;
Life without you around is simply a rat race.
Nothing has been the same since you became ill;
So please Get well soon! and make a strong will.
Best wishes for your health and welfare!
Sleeping is the best natural cure to forget about
problems, pain, stress, and everything for a while…!!!
Stay Slept And Get Well Soon…
“Get Well Soon”
The willingness to listen;
The patience to understand;
The strength to support;
The heart to care and just to be there.
i Wish you get up and well soon…
Get well quick, u lazy bum,
There’s lots of work to do.
If u stay sick, it’s more work for me,
And I’d rather it was for u.
Let’s go, get up, stop faking it,
Get your sorry behind off that bed,
Try positive thinking to get back to work,
Your illness is all in your head,
At least that’s what we hope,
Looking forward to your return.
Get Well Soon.
Life Has No True Meaning Without You,
As You Take Time To Recover
I Want You To Remember That I Love You.
I Hope These Three Little Words
Help You Fight This Battle
And You Get well Soon.
Take Good Care Of Yourself, Friend.
We Hope To See You Up And Running
And Back At Kommies Again.
The Place Just Isn’t The Same Without You.
Get well Soon.

Get well soon!
No one likes to be sick; especially you.
You are always so upbeat and with you gone,
the place is just too quiet.
Follow your doctor’s orders
even though I know it’s hard
and before you know it
you will be in tip-top shape!
Hope you make a speedy recovery because i need someone to do all my work around here!
Seriously though, hope you’ll get better soon and know that my thoughts are with you!
You are the best person have ever known and you deserve even more than this. I will try to take good care of the work as you get well sir. I wish you a quick recovery and remember to take good care of your health.
The Hard Things That Occur
In Life Can Make Us Stronger.
They Also Make Us Appreciate
The Little Things More, And That’s A Sure Way
To Make Life Feel Sweet.
Here’s To You Getting Well Soon
And Being Stronger
Because Of What You’ve Gone Through.
Knock Knock!
Guess Who.
It’s Me Your Darling Beau!
Just On The Other Side Of The Door
Is Good Health Waiting For You;
Make Haste To Open Because I Miss You.
Please Get well Soon.
Friends can do what doctor’s can’t – make you smile.
Friends can do what medicines can’t – make you laugh.
Friends can do what sickness can’t – help you recover.
Get well soon.

Get well soon, because I have lots of fun things to do, but, without you, they cannot give me joy.
You feel sick because your body needed some rest, let’s just hope that whatever happened was for the best. As soon as your health is better and you get back your voice, we will have a get-together to celebrate and rejoice. Get well soon.
Difficulties do not come to destroy you
But to help you
Realize your Hidden Potential and Power
Let difficulties Know that you are Difficult to Defeat
Get Well Soon!
You Mean a lot to me,
and so does your Health and Happiness…
So Here”s a wish to say,
Take good care of Yourself…
Very well know the reason,
why u r taking too long to recover,
u r really being nurse-d there.
joke a part, but still,
wishing u speedy recovery…
Heard that you”re not feeling well.
So brought flowers for you to
make you feel Healthier and Happier.
Get Well Soon!
I am sad that my Sweetheart has to take BITTER pills.
I am glum because my BEAUTIFUL princess has got an UGLY infection.
I am devastated that my HOT girlfriend has caught a COLD.
Get well soon.
I know I’ve been telling you how HOT you are all the time.
But you didn’t need to take that literally and heat up with a fever.
Get well soon.
I feel like giving you a kiss even though I know I will catch an infection myself. That is how desperate I am to have you in my arms. Get well soon.
There is pain in your body, but it is my heart which is palpitating.
There is fever in your body, but it is me who is sweating.
There is discomfort in your sleep, but it is my body which twists and turns every night.
Get well soon so that I can get well soon too.
Sending my love and hopes that it this will envelop you with good health.
You may feel sick and weak right now but to me you are the strongest person I know and love and I know you will bounce back very soon. Get well soon my love.
I pray for a speedy recovery and good health for you – my most prized possession.
Your illness is all in your head!
At least that’s what we hope.
Looking forward to your return.
Get Well Soon.